We recently looked at our dental checkups and how they protect smiles. However, as part of these visits we also clean the teeth, removing harmful buildup of plaque and tartar. In today’s blog, your Allen, TX, dentist talks about how we professionally clean the teeth and how we use a scaling and root planing to prevent periodontal problems.
What Happens During Your Dental Exam?
When was the last time you stopped in for a dental exam? We suggest regular checkups for people of all ages, from kids to adults. These simple visits are often key to maintaining a healthy, functional, and attractive smile. In today’s blog, your Allen, TX, dentist talks about the benefits of a routine dental exam.
Could A Snore Guard Improve Your Sleep?
Do you often snore at night? Not only does this torment your significant other, but this could also indicate the presence of a serious disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). In today’s blog, your Allen, TX, dentist talks about how we improve your rest with one of our custom-made snore guards.
See Us For Your Dental Emergency!
We consider any damage or pain to your smile that isn’t life threatening to be a dental emergency. When these occur, treatment could prevent major complications down the road, such as worsening pain and infection. In today’s blog, your Allen, TX, dentist talks about when to see our team for emergency dental treatment.
Bad Habits That Can Damage Your Teeth
Have you ever noticed that sometimes, even when you brush and floss your teeth vigilantly and see the dentist every six months, you still have issues with your smile? This is undoubtedly frustrating because you are seemingly doing everything you have been taught from a young age. However, maintaining great oral hygiene consists of more than just practicing these great preventative care routines — though you should absolutely keep doing them. In today’s blog, your Allen, TX, dentist discusses common bad habits that can cause harm to your teeth. (more…)
How To Care For Your Smile At Home
If you want to avoid issues like tooth decay, or gingivitis and gum disease, then you need to care for your smile from home. In today’s blog, your Allen, TX, dentist talks about our approach to good oral hygiene, from better brushing and flossing, to healthier foods and drink choices.
The Benefits All-On-Four Offers Your Smile
When you have lost all of your teeth, or even the vast majority of them, then you may need a complete smile with dentures. For greater security, we can support a set of dentures with multiple dental implants. To make the process shorter, and help those with weakened jawbones, we could offer the All-On-Four system. In today’s blog, your Allen, TX, dentist talks about our implant dentures.
Can Your Smile Flaws Be Fixed With Veneers?
Is there something holding you back from showing off your most confident smile? Problems with your appearance can be a source of anxiety when they concern your teeth. There are several reasons for this. A person’s smile tends to be a focal point in regards to their appearance, so even minor flaws are likely to receive attention. Another is that you can have trouble finding an effective solution to hide or correct these problems. At our Allen, TX dentist’s office, a procedure with porcelain veneers can make significant improvements to how you look. The procedure relies on thin restorations that cover the front surfaces of your teeth. Once placed, they can address discoloration, hide problems with tooth shape and size, and even cover up some spacing concerns. (more…)
4 Reasons To Try Dental Implants
When you have lost one tooth, or have several missing teeth, then a prosthetic could help restore function and beauty to your smile. For a stable, secure, and lifelike option, we may recommend dental implants. In today’s blog, your Allen, TX, dentist talks about four reasons to try dental implants for a tooth loss solution.
Full Dentures That Look Natural
When you have lost most of your teeth, or all of them, then we could prescribe a full set of dentures. In today’s blog, your Allen, TX, dentist talks about the process of designing and crafting a set of dentures, and the difference between our removable and implant-supported options.