How Can I Protect My Smile Against Bruxism?

Are your teeth safe from harm while you sleep? It may seem odd to think about your time at rest as a period that can be hard on your smile. However, if you are someone who suffers from bruxism – habitual teeth grinding – damage while you sleep can occur. This is because you can unconsciously grind and clench your teeth throughout the night, wearing down your enamel and making you vulnerable to real oral health problems. Our Allen, TX dentist’s office can help you address this issue. By providing you a custom oral appliance, we can give you the means to stop bruxism from doing damage to your smile while you are asleep! (more…)

What Happens When I Suffer From A Dental Emergency?

allen dental emergency careA dental emergency basically means any damage or injuries to your teeth and gums that isn’t life threatening or that doesn’t require a visit to the emergency room. However, these injuries do need immediate attention to avoid complications, such as cavities and infection or even tooth loss. In today’s blog, your Allen, TX, dentist talks about our approach to emergency dentistry.
