A Complete Smile With All-On-4®

all-on-4 implant denturesWhen you lose most of your teeth, then you may need a denture to address the issue and restore function and beauty. We’ve talked about implant dentures, but what if you’ve lost mass and density in your jawbone tissue? If so, then your Allen, TX, dentist may suggest All-On-4®! In today’s blog, we’re going to discuss this option and how it helps those who may not otherwise qualify for implant dentistry.


How Lifelike Implants Can Complete Your Smile

young pretty latin woman smiling confidently pointing to own broad smile, positive, relaxed, satisfied attitude against orange wallNothing is worse for your grin than losing one or more teeth. Having gaps in your smile not only blemishes it, but can cause a decrease in confidence as people become more and more self-conscious of their appearance. What’s more, structures removed due to infection or other means can actually become a detriment to your bite’s function. Fortunately, your Allen, TX dentist at Allen Family Dental can help you restore your smile’s appearance, function, and overall strength through the use of dental implants.


Single-Visit Repair With Esthetic Bonding

allen dental bondingWhile teeth whitening targets and removes discoloration, what if you also have issues with the shape of your teeth? Fortunately, we have composite resin, which we use in dental bonding procedures to address a wide array of cosmetic and even restorative issues. In today’s blog, your Allen, TX, dentist explains how we provide single-visit repair with dental bonding.


Don’t Ignore Aching Jaws Or Headaches

tmj headachesIf you have pain in and around your jaw pain, or frequent headaches and migraines, then the culprit could be in your smile! Jaw joint strains and bite imbalance could lead to issues like TMJ disorder, also known as TMD, and bruxism, which refers to chronic teeth grinding. To restore comfort and balance to your smile, your Allen, TX, dentist may suggest an oral appliance!
