At Allen Family Dental, our top priority is providing high-quality, professional, and friendly dental care. Our focus is on creating a comfortable dental experience for everyone, which begins with our warm, welcoming office atmosphere and continues with our patient-centric approach to providing treatment. In addition to the expert dental care we provide, our office is adorned with massage chairs, flat-screen TVs, a hospitality bar with fresh coffee and water, warm blankets, and a play area for children.
We inspire confidence by presenting honest, transparent diagnoses, giving a thorough explanation of the dental issues you face and how best to address them. We understand that everyone’s dental needs are different, so our practice revolves around understanding those unique needs so we can deliver the best care to you and your family, each and every time.
Call Our Office Today
Our goal is to make your experience at our office comfortable and convenient so you can look forward to receiving the personalized care you need. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Torrens-Parker, call Allen Family Dental today at (469) 342-6644. Located in Allen, TX, we also serve patients who live nearby in Frisco, Plano, McKinney, Fairview, and all surrounding communities.