What Happens When I Suffer From A Dental Emergency?

allen dental emergency careA dental emergency basically means any damage or injuries to your teeth and gums that isn’t life threatening or that doesn’t require a visit to the emergency room. However, these injuries do need immediate attention to avoid complications, such as cavities and infection or even tooth loss. In today’s blog, your Allen, TX, dentist talks about our approach to emergency dentistry.

Responding to Your Injury

If an object has become lodged between your tooth, or if one begins to ache suddenly, we suggest rinsing with warm water and flossing around the tooth. If this fails to address the issue, you can give us a call. Don’t use anything other than floss though, as you risk damaging your gums. If a tooth is chipped, then try to recover any pieces that you can and bring them with you. A piece of cloth or gauze could help stem bleeding, and a cold compress or ice pack against the side of your face could control swelling.

If a filling or crown is loose or lost, then avoid sugary foods and drinks, or foods and drinks that are hot or cold, as the tooth will be very sensitive. If a tooth is knocked out completely, then picked it up by the crown, never touch the roots, and place it in a glass of salt water or milk. If this isn’t possible, put it back into the socket and gently bite down to old in place until we can see you.

Seeing Us for Treatment

Give us a call right away, even if the issue arises outside of normal business hours. We will arrange for a time to see you quickly, and administer treatment. For example, if a tooth is chipped or cracked, we could address the issue in one visit with cosmetic dental bonding. We could restore a knocked-out tooth as well, and replace a compromised or missing crown or filling. Treatment prevents issues like cavities or infection from arising, so you continue to enjoy optimal oral health.

Keeping Your Smile Safe

To protect your smile moving forward, make sure you wear a mouthguard when playing sports to limit injuries. We can offer a custom-made option that provides a greater level of protection than store bought boil-and-bite options. You also help by brushing and flossing daily, and seeing us for checkups and cleanings, as a tooth free of decay and infection is stronger and able to better withstand injury. If you have any questions, give our team a call.

Talk To Your Allen, TX Dentist About Emergency Dentistry

Don’t let your injuries cause painful cavities and infections. To find out more about keeping teeth safe and whole, please contact your Allen, TX, dentist, Dr. Torrens-Parker, by calling 469-342-6644.