Dental Sealants Protect Smiles From Cavities

allen dental sealantsTooth decay is an issue that impacts smiles of all ages, including children. We want to help little smiles remain healthy and strong, which is why we have a preventive treatment option to reduce the risk of cavities. In today’s blog, your Allen, TX, dentist talks about the benefits of placing dental sealants.

The Causes of Cavities

Tooth decay occurs when harmful oral bacteria is able to come into contact with the sensitive inner layers of dentin, which are usually protected by the outer tooth enamel. However, when kids eat a diet high in sugar and starch, and when they don’t brush and floss properly, this could lead to plaque buildup and weakened tooth enamel. The dentin is exposed to bacteria and a cavity could form. Over time, the decay will grow and spread until the tooth is at risk of an infection! Warning signs could include toothaches and sensitivity when they eat hot or cold foods and drinks. If they experience discomfort, bring them in right away for an exam.

The Dental Sealant

Even when kids brush and floss, their limited dexterity could mean trouble reaching the rear molars. Food particles then become trapped between these teeth, which leads to eventual tooth decay. However, with dental sealants we clean the surfaces of the teeth and then etch them gently. The sealants will be placed, coating the teeth completely. We then cure them, and they could stay in place for up to ten years in some cases! 

Benefits for Your Child’s Smile

The sealants are white in appearance and practically invisible when in place. They help kids both young and older enjoy a reduced risk of tooth decay by preventing particles from being stuck between the teeth. The placement process takes minutes, and as they wear away the sealants will still remain in the deepest grooves of the teeth, continuing to provide protection for the most inaccessible and vulnerable parts of little smiles. If you have any questions about placing them, or if you would like to bring your child in for a checkup and cleaning, then contact our team today. We would love to help your family start 2022 with healthier smiles. You can also use your remaining 2021 dental insurance benefits before they expire at midnight on December 31st. 

Talk To Your Allen, TX Dentist About Preventive Dental Care

We want to help smiles of all ages avoid the onset of tooth decay with preventive treatments and good oral hygiene tips. To find out more about how we limit the risk of cavities in little smiles with our preventive and general treatment options, then contact your Allen, TX, dentist, Dr. Torrens-Parker, by calling 469-342-6644.