Bad Habits That Can Damage Your Teeth

bad habitsHave you ever noticed that sometimes, even when you brush and floss your teeth vigilantly and see the dentist every six months, you still have issues with your smile? This is undoubtedly frustrating because you are seemingly doing everything you have been taught from a young age. However, maintaining great oral hygiene consists of more than just practicing these great preventative care routines — though you should absolutely keep doing them. In today’s blog, your Allen, TX, dentist discusses common bad habits that can cause harm to your teeth. (more…)

The Benefits All-On-Four Offers Your Smile

allen all-on-four denturesWhen you have lost all of your teeth, or even the vast majority of them, then you may need a complete smile with dentures. For greater security, we can support a set of dentures with multiple dental implants. To make the process shorter, and help those with weakened jawbones, we could offer the All-On-Four system. In today’s blog, your Allen, TX, dentist talks about our implant dentures.
