How Our Bridges Mimic Your Smile

allen dental bridgesWhen you have lost a tooth, or possibly up to three in a row, then your smile may benefit from a dental bridge. These prosthetics not only fill the gaps, but they can blend with your smile, mimicking the appearance of surrounding teeth. In today’s blog, your Allen, TX, dentist talks about how we create and secure a dental bridge.

Treating Your Tooth Loss

Losing your teeth could occur due to an injury, untreated cavities or infections, or often due to the advanced stage of gum disease. The gap then leads to major complications, such as dental misalignment, jaw joint disorder like TMD and bruxism, or even complications eating and speaking. You could also be limited in the kinds of foods you eat, and may feel uncomfortable in social situations. By treating your tooth loss, you enjoy renewed confidence, and avoid oral health complications that could mean further tooth loss eventually.

Custom Porcelain or Zirconia Prosthetics

If you have between one and three lost teeth in a row, we may recommend a bridge. To get started, we will first numb the area around the gap with a local anesthetic, and then remove structure from the etch on either side of the gap. Known as abutment teeth, these will help secure the new prosthetic. Next, detailed images and impressions will be taken of the prepared area. In a dental lab, we use the images to design and craft a dental bridge, which consists of one or more new teeth with crowns attached to either end. We create them from materials like porcelain or zirconia, which are durable and strong, but can also be color-matched to blend with your smile.

Placement and Care

When the prosthetic is ready, we will attach the crown portions to the abutment teeth, securing the new ones firmly. They tend to last about 10 to 15 years on average, and need replacement as the jaw ridge changes shape. To help them last and also prevent further tooth loss, you should be sure to brush and floss daily, increasing your prosthetic as part of this. Be sure to clean the space between the top of the gums and the bottom of the prosthetic too, where food particles could accumulate. You also need to see us for checkups and cleaning every six months too!

If you have any questions about treating your missing teeth, then contact our team today to learn more our prosthetic options!

Visit Your Allen, TX Dentist Soon

We don’t want you to live with tooth loss when a lifelike solution is available! If you want to know more about treating missing teeth, or if you are ready to book an appointment, contact your Allen, TX, dentist, Dr. Torrens-Parker, by calling 469-342-6644.