All-On-Four Means Implants In One Visit

allen all on four denturesSometimes, various factors like underlying oral health issues or weakened jawbone structure could limit your tooth replacement options. But in these situations, we can often help with a set of All-On-Four dental implant dentures. In today’s blog, your Allen, TX, dentist talks about the benefits of these dentures, and how we secure them in one visit.

The Dangers of Total Tooth Loss

When you lose most or all of your natural teeth, this could mean major problems with your oral health. For example, you could find yourself limited in the kinds of meals you can enjoy. This could put your favorite dishes out of reach, and limit nutritional intake too. Speaking clearly could be difficult, and you could develop a prematurely aged appearance as the jaw loses mass and density due to the missing teeth. Replacement with dental implants can help restore function and beauty, and also prevent the breakdown of your smile.

Who Qualifies?

We will take a close look at your smile, assessing the cause of your tooth loss and the state of your jawbone. We may first need to offer treatment for underlying oral health issues, like periodontitis, before we move forward. If you have lost jawbone mass and density because of your missing teeth, with traditional dentures this would mean you need to first undergo grafting or sinus lift procedures to shore up the smile to support dental implants. But the All-On-Four system uses four specially placed biocompatible titanium posts, which require less structure for support, to secure a set of dentures.

The All-On-Four System

Using advanced digital imaging, our team will plan the treatment with precision and accuracy, inserting four posts at specific angles and positions to support the prosthetic and also stimulate the growth of jawbone tissue to prevent any further loss of mass and density. This means your new posts act as roots, and can support dentures for decades to come, or possibly even a lifetime. In the same visit, we will connect abutments to the post and then attach the prosthetic. The full denture will be designed to look natural and also provide a durable chewing surface.

If you have any questions about how we address missing teeth, or about our lifelike dental prosthetics, then contact our team today to learn more.

Talk to Your Allen, TX Dentist About Teeth in a Day

We would like to help you enjoy a complete smile that looks good and functions properly. If you want to know more about how we secure a set of dentures with just four posts, or if you are ready to book an appointment, contact your Allen, TX, dentist, Dr. Torrens-Parker, by calling 469-342-6644. Don’t live with unsightly gaps in your smile, talk to our team.