When you have a more minor case of tooth loss, such as one to three missing teeth in a row, then you need a prosthetic. To help address minor tooth loss, we can create a custom option that looks natural. In today’s blog, your Allen, TX, dentist talks about how we craft and secure a custom dental bridge.
Positive Oral Health In 2023!
The start of a new calendar year can hold significant promise, if you take advantage of the opportunity. While it feels impossible, we here at Allen Family Dental are preparing for our thirteenth year helping North Texans achieve new heights in their oral health journey. One helpful way of ensuring a strong and lasting smile is through keeping to a strict schedule of routine cleanings and examinations.
Patients may believe that their home oral health care regimen is enough to stave off infection and enamel erosion. There are many deep recesses within the mouth, however, that we simply cannot keep under total control. By setting firm appointments to see your trained oral health professional twice each calendar year, you give yourself and your dentist the best chance of preventing damage before it has a chance to occur. Make positive dental change a part of your resolutions for the start of 2023! (more…)
A Full Mouth Reconstruction Rebuilds Your Smile
When you have several issues with your smile, including tooth decay, damaged teeth, missing teeth, and more, you may need a full mouth reconstruction. Essentially, this means combining preventive, cosmetic, restorative, and even prosthetic dentistry to address imperfections. In today’s blog, your Allen, TX, dentist talks about full mouth reconstruction.
A Root Canal Could Bring Comfort To Your Smile
When a tooth becomes infected, this could mean major discomfort and even lead to tooth loss without treatment. Which is why an endodontic procedure known as a root canal may be necessary! In today’s blog, your Allen, TX, dentist talks about how we can ease discomfort with our root canal treatment.
How Custom Crowns Can Transform Your Smile
When you have a tooth that sustains serious damage, or has a severe case of tooth decay, you may need a full restoration. Dental crowns provide just that, and can also offer a lifelike appearance too. In today’s blog, your Allen, TX, dentist talks about how creating and placing a dental crown can help your smile.
How We Keep Small Smiles Healthy
As a parent, you want what is best for your child. A big component of their overall well-being is helping ensure that they have great oral health — not just for childhood but for their lifetime. Good dental habits start early, and these include instilling the importance of brushing twice a day and flossing once. In addition to your at-home efforts, it is equally crucial to bring your child to the dentist for regular checkups and cleanings. When they are here we can help familiarize them with our office and provide helpful tips. In today’s blog, your Allen, TX, dentist discusses the ways we can help your child have a healthy smile for many years to come. (more…)
Avoiding Those Thanksgiving-Related Cavities
When you sit down for your Thanksgiving feast, or any big holiday meal, you’re likely going to stack your plate with items high in sugar and starch. While delicious, these options could increase the risk of tooth decay in the coming weeks. In today’s blog, your Allen, TX, dentist talks about staying free of tooth decay.
Don’t Let Your Dental Benefits Just Disappear!
If you have dental insurance, then you have benefits that could be used for treatment. This also means that unless you use them, they don’t roll over and will instead expire at the end or December. In today’s blog, your Allen, TX, family dentist talks about using your dental benefits to start 2023 with a bright and healthy smile.
Treating Cavities With Lifelike Dental Fillings
When a tooth develops a cavity, this could mean discomfort and major problems for your smile. To bring relief and avoid the onset of an infection or abscess, you need a restoration. In today’s blog, your Allen, TX, dentist talks about how we treat cavities with a composite resin dental filling in only one visit!
Avoid Cavities After Your Family Goes Trick Or Treating
Trick or treating is a highlight of Halloween for kids and their families in our community. But too much sugar could mean the onset of tooth decay. Which is why you need to take steps to protect your teeth. In today’s blog, your Allen, TX, dentist talks about staying free of cavities after Halloween.