When Is Root Canal Therapy Appropriate?

In times when you have tooth decay, you can experience different types of restorative care. There are times when you can have a dental filling put in place to address the damage, but there are also times when more involved services are appropriate. Our Allen, TX dentist’s office is prepared to help you in those situations where you need more advanced treatment. If necessary, we can provide a root canal treatment to address problems within your tooth structure that stem from decay, or from a physical injury. We can also help you protect your smile and avoid these problems when you see us for preventive services. (more…)

Is Your Thanksgiving Meal Healthy For Your Smile?

thanksgiving foodWe often think of Halloween as being the holiday that makes dentists shudder. While the sugar-centric night can certainly wreak havoc on your teeth, we still need to be vigilant during other holidays, as well. Thanksgiving, for instance, is centered around a large meal with all sorts of different foods — which means lots of different potential outcomes for the health of your teeth. In today’s blog, your Allen, TX, dentist discusses the different Thanksgiving foods and how they can affect your smile. (more…)

Rest Better With A Snore Guard

allen snore guardWhen you snore on a nightly basis, this could mean you have airway obstruction and over time, could be more likely to suffer from sleep apnea. Which is why your Allen, TX, dentist could offer a solution that doesn’t involve surgery or other intensive treatments. Instead, we have a simple oral appliance to help you breathe easy. Better rest means you feel more alert and rested, and enjoy a better quality of life too.
