One of the most common cosmetic issues related to dentistry is a buildup of extrinsic enamel stains. If you have noticed your smile becoming a little less bright than it used to be, take some time to talk with your dentist about your options in treatment. Over-the counter solutions can become harmful to your oral health with improper or overuse, so be sure to discuss your care with a professional.
At our dental office in Allen, TX, we can help you to achieve a brighter smile in the comfort of your own home. We will give you a custom set of trays that fit your mouth perfectly, allowing your solution to reach every part of your smile. Simply fill these with our effective lifting agent and wear your trays for a prescribed period of time. You may be able to see results in as little as two weeks with this form of treatment. Keep a close eye on the strength of your enamel through the entire process with professional teeth whitening from our practice! (more…)