Sleep Better with A Snore Guard

Allen snore guard

Do you or your partner suffer from the disruptive and often embarrassing habit of snoring? Snoring affects millions of people worldwide and can have a significant impact on sleep quality, relationships, and overall well-being. If you’re looking for a solution to address snoring and improve your sleep, a snore guard could be the answer you’ve been seeking. But first, let’s dive into the causes of snoring with your helpful dentists in Allen, TX.

What Causes Snoring?

Snoring occurs when there is a partial blockage or narrowing of the airway during sleep. As you breathe in and out, the flow of air causes the surrounding tissues in the throat and mouth to vibrate, resulting in the characteristic snoring sound. Several factors contribute to the development of snoring, including:

  • During sleep, the muscles in your throat and tongue naturally relax, causing them to collapse and narrow the airway.
  • Allergies, sinus congestion, or structural abnormalities such as a deviated septum can restrict the airflow through your nasal passages.
  • Extra weight around the neck and throat area puts pressure on the airway, narrowing it and resulting in snoring.
  • Consuming alcohol or sedatives before bedtime can relax the muscles in the throat even more, leading to increased snoring.

How Can a Snore Guard Help?

A snore guard, also known as a mandibular advancement device, is made from soft and flexible materials that are custom-fit to your mouth acting as a simple solution for reducing snoring. They are designed to gently reposition your lower jaw forward to open the airway and prevent the collapse of tissues. By holding the lower jaw and tongue in a slightly forward position, it also prevents the tongue from completely obstructing the throat.

Unlike other treatment options, such as Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machines or surgery, snore guards don’t require masks, tubes, or invasive procedures. Many users find them more comfortable and easier to adjust to than alternative options. During your routine dental check-ups, we can check your snore guard and be sure it is fitting properly.

Schedule a Consultation Today

Snoring can significantly impact your sleep quality and overall well-being, as well as strain relationships with your partner. If you’re seeking a simple and effective solution, a sleep appliance could be your answer. Consult with our experienced team to determine if a snore guard is the right solution for you. Call our team at Allen Family Dental in Allen, TX at (469)342-6644!