Enjoy The Festive Light The Night Event At Watters Creek!

On Saturday, November 17, Watters Creek in Allen will host a special, festive event to help celebrate the holiday season. The Light The Night event encourages families to come out and enjoy caroling, sleigh rides, and entertainment, all leading to the lighting of the Christmas tree! The night will end with a “lighting” of the night’s sky in the form of a fireworks show. Of course, you can also spend your time checking in on your favorite shops, and enjoying a nice meal. Your Allen, TX dentist’s office knows that the holidays – while lots of fun – can be less of a treat for teeth. You can schedule routine dental care with us, or reach out if you have a concern about your smile. (more…)

Choosing A Cosmetic Procedure That Can Transform Your Smile

While some dental flaws are relatively minor, and can be improved with focused care, some problems can feel more significant, and appear more difficult to address. Fortunately, your Allen, TX dentist can offer cosmetic dental work that can make remarkable changes to the way you look. You can also look forward to making those changes in less time than you realize. For instance, you can make improvements to multiple flaws with multiple teeth when you plan to receive porcelain veneers, a process which can be completed in as little as two appointments. If you have questions about what a cosmetic procedure can do for you, schedule a consultation to find out more. (more…)

Dental Pain Could Be Evidence Of A Serious Smile Problem

While dental pain can arrive in multiple forms, there is one thing that is consistent – you should take persistent discomfort seriously. If you have a chronic pain in a tooth, or if you have regular struggles with biting, chewing, and speaking because of jaw troubles, these could be signs of trouble that your Allen, TX dentist’s office can address. Many people struggle with pain in their face, jaw, and neck because of TMD, or temporomandibular joint disorder. If you have a toothache that is not leaving, it could be an indication of an infection. When these problems occur, you should know that they can continue to create trouble for you until they are treated. (more…)

Are You Leaving Tartar On Your Teeth?

What are you doing to make sure your smile is safe against the threat of tartar buildup. Unfortunately, you cannot remove this stubborn material by brushing and flossing, though these actions can help you prevent tartar’s formation. If you want to ensure that any accumulated tartar buildups are removed, you can count on a professional teeth cleaning to help. During regular dental exams at your Allen, TX dentist’s office, you can look forward to a thorough cleaning that rids harmful plaque and tartar from your teeth. By having this substance addressed, you can lower the risk you face for periodontal problems, and tooth decay. (more…)

Why We Take Your Cavity Treatment So Seriously

You may not realize just how bad a cavity can be for your tooth, and for your overall oral health. When problems with tooth decay are promptly caught and dealt with, the ultimate harm done can be minimized. However, when a cavity forms and goes untreated, your condition can worsen in worrying ways. You can experience an internal tooth infection that causes you pain, and puts that tooth’s health in jeopardy. Oral bacteria can continue spreading, and can spread to your jawbone. Fortunately, your Allen, TX dentist’s office is ready to offer restorative dental care if you require it. You can also count on early detection for problems, as regular dental exams create opportunities to look for those early signs of decay. (more…)

Quiz: Are You Doing Enough To Sustain A Healthy Smile?

When it comes to matters of oral hygiene, you need to make sure your approach is consistent, and effective. When you are infrequent with things like brushing, flossing, and regular dental exams, you can give time for oral health problems to form. If you rush through your daily oral care regimen, or if you pay little attention to the effects your diet can have on your teeth, you also expose yourself to risk. In addition to providing your own efforts to keep your teeth clean, you can look forward to a professional teeth cleaning from your Allen, TX dentist’s office during every checkup. This cleaning can lead to the removal of tartar, a substance that can pose a real threat to your well-being. (more…)

Can Your Dentist Offer A Solution To Your Smile Concerns?

While you can certainly feel bothered by issues like chipped or cracked teeth, discoloration, and other cosmetic smile woes, you should not feel helpless. When it comes to the field of cosmetic dental work, there are many different treatments that can offer many advantages. Your Allen, TX dentist’s office can visit with you, discuss your goals for treatment, and help you identify the procedure that can be most helpful. You may be surprised at how much good one procedure can do. For instance, you can hide multiple flaws with the way your teeth look when you have custom porcelain veneers made and placed over your smile. (more…)

Enjoy A Special Halloween Skate On October 27!

As the weather turns colder, you may be eager to fit in some great winter activities. Thanks to the special Halloween Skate event at the Allen Community Ice Rink, you can combine winter fun with the Halloween season! By showing up to this event in costume, you can receive a FREE skate rental. During this event, you can take part in fun games, and receive some complimentary candy. Your Allen, TX dentist’s office encourages Allen families to take advantage of the local activities available to our community. We also want you to remember that we are ready to offer important preventive care by offering dental exams, and by providing professional teeth cleanings! (more…)

Key Benefits To Using Dental Implants For Prosthetic Work

When you look into addressing tooth loss, you may be intrigued by what dental implants can do for you. While it can be clear that implants offer long-term support for your restoration, you may be sure of what else, if anything, you can expect from this approach. Your Allen, TX dentist’s office can talk to you about the advantages of having dental implants put in place to hold a dental prosthetic. The added stability can make it easier for you to bite and chew more foods, and open up more options in your diet. You can also limit the shifting or loss of neighboring teeth, and even protect the health of your jawbone. (more…)

3 Smile-Friendly Reminders To Help You During Halloween

By taking the time to diligently brush and floss your teeth, and keeping up with routine dental exams, you can give your smile great protection. Unfortunately, our smile risks can change, and the kind of care that might feel flawless today can be insufficient at a different date. October can be an especially trying time for teeth, simply because Halloween candy seems to be everywhere! If you overindulge, your teeth could face the negative effects of too much sugar. Your Allen, TX dentist’s office can help you by offering routine evaluations, and professional dental cleanings. If you want to make sure you are protected, even around Halloween, be mindful of what you – and your family – do during this holiday. (more…)