How much coercing and arguing goes into your typical effort to bring your child to see their dentist? While many children have no problem going to the dentist, other can experience feelings of anxiety about it (of course, the same can be said of adults, too). One way to improve the odds of your child feeling comfortable at the dentist is to start their visits early. Children who start seeing their dentist at a younger age can be made to feel more at ease about oral care. Parents are encouraged to bring their child in for their first visit by around their second birthday. (more…)
You Might Have A Cavity And Not Realize It
A cavity forms when bacteria on your teeth have harmed your enamel to the point that an opening is created. Once this occurs, your enamel will not be able to recover on its own, and you will need to undergo a restorative dental treatment. So how is it possible that something like this can escape your notice? You may overlook a cavity in its early stages because it is hard for you to see, and it will not attack the tooth’s nerves until it grows more severe. If you want to improve your chances of catching a cavity before it becomes serious enough to grab your attention, make sure you keep up with regular dental exams. (more…)
The Inaugural Collin County Tournament Of Champions June 3-4
Find your golfing partner and start practicing, because the inaugural Collin County Tournament Of Champions all-ages golf tournament is happening Saturday, June 3, and Sunday, June 4. Teams of two will compete to claim this title over a contest at the The Courses At Watters Creek. You can find a friend and take part (only one of you must be a Collin County resident – your partner can reside outside the area), or check out a day of spirited local competition. Of course, you can always check out the course and enjoy some practice rounds before the tournament. (more…)
Why Does Tooth Loss Affect A Person’s Jawbone?
Your teeth are securely embedded in your jawbone. The stability this arrangement provides helps make it possible for your teeth to stay in position when you take on the impact of biting and chewing food. In return for providing this support, your jawbone benefits because the stimulation created from biting and chewing helps to sustain proper blood flow to the bone, so its needed nutrients are delivered. What happens if that stimulation goes away? For people who have suffered tooth loss, this is more than just a hypothetical – if you lose teeth, and lose that stimulation, your jawbone can begin to deteriorate. Securing a prosthetic with a dental implant can protect you against this problem. (more…)
Fitting In Cosmetic Dental Work Before A Major Life Event
What is the next big life event looming on your calendar? Are you about to be married? Is your next class reunion coming up? You might not realize it, but cosmetic dental work can improve how you look in less time than you think. Because there are treatments that can be completed in a single visit, you can make remarkable changes to your smile before the next big event in your life. If you are unsure of what procedure will offer the best improvement to your appearance, or concerned there will be no way to fit in your appointment, reach out to your dentist. You may be surprised at how close you are to a big boost to your appearance, and your confidence. (more…)
Our Office Has Moved!
Allen Family Dental has a new home! We have recently completed a move to our new office, and are now located at 940 W. Stacy Rd, Allen, TX 75013. This relocation has provided a larger space, in order to support our continued growth. While the address might have changed, our commitment to your oral health remains steadfast. Whether you come in for your first visit at our new office, or you come in for your first ever appointment with Allen Family Dental, you can expect dedicated attention to your oral health needs, and a commitment to making sure your patient experience is a comfortable one. (more…)
Working To Help You Through A Dental Emergency
A dental emergency can cause pain, and panic. In the immediate aftermath of the issue, your focus is likely centered around addressing active discomfort. Of course, you may also find yourself distressed at the thought of a permanent flaw in your smile. You can count on your dentist to see you promptly when the care you need is urgent. You can also count on them to work with you on restoring your smile, so that your appearance is not permanently changed for the worse. This can mean undergoing cosmetic dental work, though the restorative dental work you receive may make the necessary improvements to how you look. (more…)
The 2017 Market Street Allen USA Celebration Is June 24
On Saturday, June 24, you and your family can come out to the 2017 Market Street Allen USA Celebration! This annual tradition of Allen being, “First to the Fourth,” is a rousing, albeit early, Fourth Of July celebration. Setting the celebration on the last Saturday of June ensured that the event would not conflict with other towns’ celebrations, meaning it can attract interest from outside of Allen, while also catering to local residents. You can enjoy a day of food, live music (with performances from nationally recognized artists), and family fun – and of course, you can conclude the night with an impressive fireworks display. (more…)
Superior Care Through A Professional Dental Cleaning
Brushing and flossing should both be established parts of your routine oral care. These actions can remove bacteria and food debris, keep plaque off your smile, and stop the formation of tartar. Unfortunately, if tartar does form, you will not be able to remove the substance through your daily regimen. Tartar removal is one benefit to having a professional teeth cleaning from your hygienist. This cleaning takes place during routine dental exams, and can improve your protection against tooth decay and gum disease. While you can provide important care for your teeth on your own, a professional cleaning offers a significant preventive dental advantage. (more…)
Using Porcelain Veneers To Deal With Dental Flaws
You may have a hard time looking at your smile without letting your eyes wander to a particular dental flaw, or flaws, holding back your overall appearance. You might be uncomfortable with your smile due to the presence of an abnormal tooth – one that developed improperly, or one that is affected by damage. You could have multiple issues affecting multiple teeth. Many patients who want to make big changes, and eliminate these types of problems, will opt to receive porcelain veneers. Veneers offer coverage that will make your smile look natural, and flawless, meaning you can eliminate the appearance of those flaws you struggle to ignore. (more…)