With one appointment, you can see a big cosmetic improvement to your smile. Your dentist can use composite resin, the material used to craft dental fillings, in order to cover up appearance flaws. This is what is known as a dental bonding procedure. The material is applied in order to hide problems like damage, discoloration, or problems with tooth shape. The resin material is lifelike enough to ensure your smile still looks totally natural. This can be particularly useful for correcting problems that stem from damage after a minor injury, but naturally occurring issues can often be addressed as well. (more…)
How Your Dentist Can Help You Manage Your Snoring Problem
The loud, rumbling sound a person makes when they snore is due to partial blockages of breathing passages. As each breath pushes past the soft tissue partially disrupting your airway, you reproduce this distracting sound. Snoring is often made to be a sort of punchline in a “happy” relationship – one person’s labored breathing is the source of their partner’s inability to sleep. However, this can be an embarrassing problem for a person dealing with it. Your dentist can provide you with a special snore guard that prevents these blockages from occurring. (more…)
How A Dental Bridge Helps You Recover From Tooth Loss
A dental bridge can provide more than just a way to hide that you have suffered tooth loss. Because the bridge is permanently set in place, it can actually help you enjoy better jaw function, as you will be able to bite and chew without working around an absence. A dental bridge stays in place thanks to two dental crowns. The crowns, located at each end of the pontic (replacement tooth), anchor your restoration. The stability this arrangement provides gives you functional and cosmetc support, with no oral surgery required. A bridge can be used to cover a single missing tooth, and multiple teeth (provided the lost teeth are next to each other). (more…)
Take Part In The Bird Walk At Connemara Conservancy
The morning of Sunday, June 4, you can take part in an invigorating and enlightening guided tour of the Connemara Conservancy. The Bird Walk leads residents on an informative path through the conservancy, with instructions on how to maximize your ability to spot birds in the area. This all-ages experience can give you the opportunity to see more than thirty different species! The tour is led by members of the Prairie And Timbers Audubon Society. This is part of an ongoing monthly series of tours – there will be additional walks on Saturday, July 1, and Sunday, July 2. (more…)
Drinking More Water Can Improve Your Oral Health
If you have poor brushing and flossing habits, it would make sense to recommend improving how you take care of your teeth. What you should understand is that when it comes to daily care, your problem might lie elsewhere. One way you can help your smile is by drinking more water. There are cosmetic and oral health advantages to this. Choosing water over flavored beverages like soda cuts the total amount of sugar you have at a particular meal. You can also prevent dry mouth by staying better hydrated. It should also be noted that if your water source contains fluoride, you can enjoy better cavity defense, as this mineral increases the strength of your enamel. Good daily care, along with routine dental exams, can seriously improve your ability to avoid cavities. (more…)
Your Teeth Grinding Habit Can Do Serious Dental Damage
The tremendous force our jaws can generate certainly makes biting and chewing easier, but it spells trouble for people dealing with bruxism. A person with bruxism has a habit of grinding their teeth unconsciously, and often while they are asleep. When this is not addressed, you can suffer dental damage. Minor cases of damage can require cosmetic dental work to hide the harm to your appearance. However, people with bruxism can do enough harm to require restorative dental care. The pressure placed on your teeth and jaws can also lead to TMJ disorder (TMD). (more…)
Addressing Tooth Loss With Dental Implants
Dental implants enable your dentist to provide you with a stable, long-term answer to tooth loss. The implant serves as a sort of artificial root, which secures the dental prosthetic that you receive. If you qualify for placement, the implant will be surgically placed in your jawbone – the titanium post actually takes the spot that once held your tooth root. After a necessary healing period, you will receive your restoration, which can serve as a life-like substitute for missing teeth. Implants can help patients who need to replace several teeth, as well as those looking for a permanent solution to the loss of a single tooth. (more…)
Delaying A Cavity Treatment Can Be Costly
Why should you prioritize a cavity treatment? If you leave tooth decay without care, the problem will worsen over time. As decay continues to spread, you are losing more of your tooth structure to this irreparable harm. At the point a cavity exposes your tooth’s pulp to oral bacteria, you will need a root canal procedure, something you could have prevented if you had gone in for restorative dental care sooner. With prompt care, you can ensure that the cavity your dentist treats is smaller, and you can save more of your tooth from needing to be removed. (more…)
Check Out The Step Up To Health Festival June 19
On Monday, June 19, you and your family can come out to the Step Up To Health Festival. This event is intended to help Allen families connect with the many health and wellness activities offered in our town. In addition to learning about these different opportunities and services, you can speak with vendors, enjoy arts and crafts, and enjoy interactive demos! This free event, hosted by the city of Allen, encourages good, healthy living among our residents. It also serves as a fun outing for your family, and a chance to better acquaint yourself with the services, and people, of the community. (more…)
Taking Home A Professional Whitening Treatment
If you have been feeling self-conscious about the quality of your smile lately because of enamel stains, you can address the matter with your dentist’s help. Many people can become concerned that whitening agents only have a limited effect, based on the results of products they purchased over the counter. What you should know is that your dentist can supply you with a whitening treatment that can attack even stains that have settled into your enamel. In fact, you can pick up products from your dentist that you can use from the comfort of your own home! If you are ready to see your smile return to its former brilliance, talk to your dentist about receiving a professional whitening kit. (more…)