3 Benefits You Enjoy When You Attend Regular Checkups

Could you improve the quality of care your smile enjoys? The matter of preventive dental care is about more than just what you do at home. Regular dental checkups make it easier for you to make certain your teeth are in the best condition possible. Without these appointments, you can overlook problems that will require attention – you could have a cavity and not even realize it until your dentist identifies it! Regular appointments also include a teeth cleaning, and a survey for any other oral health problems, like gum disease, that could create trouble for you.

1. A Professional Teeth Cleaning That Can Remove Tartar

A professional teeth cleaning involves thorough care from your hygienist, who will be able to give attention to areas of your teeth you struggle to reach. They can also remove tartar. Tartar removal is not something you can manage on your own. If the substance forms, it will continually harm your teeth, while resisting brushing and flossing.

2. Earlier Cavity Detection And Treatment

When it comes to restorative dental work, sooner is certainly better. As decay worsens, you continue to suffer a permanent loss of dental material. This can change the type of care your dentist has to provide you. If you wait until you are noticing symptoms like pain, or sensitivity in a tooth, you can wind up needing a root canal treatment.

3. A Careful Check For Problems That Can Lead To More Severe Consequences

Your dentist is always on the alert for any signs of tooth decay. Of course, this is only one of multiple threats you could be dealing with. Your dentist will also watch out for different conditions, like bruxism and TMD, which can lead to more severe consequences in the future if they are not addressed.

Setting Up Appointments At Allen Family Dental

Do you receive regular dental checkups? If not, you are missing out on vital preventive care. The team at Allen Family Dental can help you enjoy your best and healthiest smile. To arrange an appointment with Dr. Torrens-Parker or Dr. Lizardi, call Allen Family Dental in Allen, TX, today at (469) 342-6644. Located in Allen, our office is also proud to work with patients from Frisco, Plano, McKinney, Fairview, and all surrounding communities. Our patient forms are available online.