Hopefully, you’re aware that dental plaque is the most consistent threat to your oral health. When oral bacteria accumulate, they form sticky, colorless plaque as protection against your mouth’s immune responses. There are over 600 different identifiable kinds of oral bacteria, a few of which have been singled out as directly responsible for causing destructive dental issues. Today, we explore two of the more notorious types of oral bacteria, and the processes that make them enemies to your smile. (more…)
What Are The Advantages Of Implants?
Losing your teeth can be as serious problem. You may experience difficulty eating or even develop serious complications, including further tooth loss and an older appearance. However, we can replace a lost tooth with a lifelike dental implant. What are the advantages of dental implants?
Do You Have A Chipped Tooth?
Occasionally, our teeth can become damaged. When a tooth is chipped you should see your dentist to discuss possible treatment options. Otherwise, a damaged tooth exposes the sensitive inner structure to bacteria, which can lead to cavities or dental infection. We can repair a chipped tooth with cosmetic dental bonding. (more…)
Do You Grind Your Teeth?
If you suffer from bruxism, or the frequent grinding of the teeth or clenching of the jaw, then you need treatment. Otherwise, constantly grinding your teeth at night can damage them and increase the risk of cavities and/or infection. Fortunately, we can provide comfortable and minimally invasive treatment options for bruxism.