Covering Dental Flaws With Porcelain Veneers

covering dental flaws with porcelain veneersHow do you feel about your smile? It is important to make sure your teeth stay healthy, but you have every right to want to make sure your smile looks good, too. This is why cosmetic dentistry offers help in correcting flaws that affect your appearance, not your health. One way to address several flaws is by having porcelain veneers placed on your teeth. The veneers can cover up problems with tooth color, can hide minor dental damage, and can even fix the appearance of misshapen teeth. To learn more, and to find out if you are a good candidate for veneers, you should speak with your dentist.

How Porcelain Veneers Stay On Your Teeth

Your porcelain veneers will be permanently bonded to your teeth. The process of having them attached will take two visits. Your measurements need to be taken, and your teeth will be prepared for the procedure. Preparation can require your dentist to remove a small amount of enamel from the front of your teeth, because you need to account for the width of the veneers.

What Other Cosmetic Options Are Available?

You can choose to undergo other cosmetic dental treatments. If you are solely concerned with having a whiter smile, you can collect the materials necessary for a professional whitening treatment. This allows you to have your tooth color drastically improved from the comfort of your own home. You should know that some forms of discoloration do not respond well to whitening treatments. Your dentist can talk to you about what to do if you are a poor candidate. Dental bonding is another means of correcting the appearance of a tooth. While less durable, this procedure can cost less, and be completed in a single visit.