Extra Cavity Protection Thanks To Dental Exams

extra cavity protection thanks to dental examsWhat is your strategy for keeping your teeth free of cavities? Are you brushing regularly (and effectively)? Do you pay attention to your diet, and watch out for items that can be more harmful to teeth? Staying on top of your oral health needs makes it easier to keep your smile in good shape, but you should also take advantage of regular dental exams. A semiannual checkup with your dentist can benefit you by offering an expert cleaning, as well as a careful review of your oral health.

How An Expert Cleaning Helps You Deal With Tartar

When you give plaque enough time, it can harden to tartar, and become especially difficult to take care of without professional help. Tartar can continue to do damage to teeth, and increase your cavity risk. An expert dental cleaning can remove this stubborn material from your teeth, and offer you better protection against decay.

Dental Sealants

Not all cavity risks are created equal – if you are more prone to problems, dental sealants can help. Sealants offer a buffer zone for your teeth, as they can put a stop to bacteria and food debris accumulating on them.

Dental Exams Help Catch Problems Earlier

A dental checkup can save you from needing a root canal treatment. How is this possible? What you should know is that cavities take time to grow. Given enough time, decay can work its way down to the tooth’s pulp, and create painful problems by attacking the nerve tissue. If you go in for treatment, your dentist can find a smaller cavity that you might overlook, and treat it with a filling.