Check Out Concert By The Creek’s Patriotic Salute Concert

Are you ready to celebrate America this summer? You can do more than just watch the fireworks on the Fourth Of July – on June 30, the Allen Philharmonic Winds will play the Patriotic Salute concert at Watters Creek. This outdoor concert is free for the public to attend. You can watch top area musicians play stirring pieces that help celebrate our proud nation. This will be the final concert held as part of the Concerts By The Creek series. Attendees are encouraged to bring blankets for seating, as lawn seats will need to be relegated to the sides of the seating area, or the back. Patio seats at different restaurants overlooking the concert will be available. (more…)

Lifelike, Permanent Prosthetic Support With Dental Implants

How do dental implants change a person’s experience with a dental prosthetic? Implants offer a variety of different benefits. One major advantage is simply that your restoration will be permanently placed. The stability will actually be dependable enough to ensure you can bite, chew, and speak comfortably, as you did when you had your complete smile. They also offer a method of protecting your jawbone from deterioration, something a prosthetic without implant support will not offer. Implants are counted on for patients looking to replace a single tooth, but they can also be used to hold larger restorations. (more…)

The Right Care Can Help You Properly Address A Dental Injury

A dental injury poses special concerns, as your teeth just are not capable of healing themselves enough to fully recover from serious harm. This is one reason a dental injury can be so troubling. Damage can cause enough oral health trouble to call for emergency dental care, and leave you needing permanent support. Your dentist can secure a badly damaged tooth with a dental crown. If your injury leaves your tooth beyond saving, a dental prosthetic can be supplied. Your dentist’s goal with any injury treatment is to make sure you have no oral health troubles, and that your smile is fully restored. (more…)

3 Benefits You Enjoy When You Attend Regular Checkups

Could you improve the quality of care your smile enjoys? The matter of preventive dental care is about more than just what you do at home. Regular dental checkups make it easier for you to make certain your teeth are in the best condition possible. Without these appointments, you can overlook problems that will require attention – you could have a cavity and not even realize it until your dentist identifies it! Regular appointments also include a teeth cleaning, and a survey for any other oral health problems, like gum disease, that could create trouble for you. (more…)

Allen Takes Part In Make Music Day June 21

On Wednesday, June 21, cities in more than one hundred different countries will host their own Make Music Day events. Allen will be doing its part to help celebrate by hosting Make Music Allen. The event, held at Watters Creek, welcomes all musicians of all ages to come out and take part. There will be multiple dedicated spaces for performers. The event is designed to encourage all musicians to share their gifts. Participation in the event is free, and all types of music are welcomed. This all-day celebration can help you tap into your musical spirit, and connect with artists right here in Allen. (more…)

Porcelain Veneers Are Capable Of Transforming Your Smile

You do not have to “settle” for your current smile. If you are bothered by flaws that are affecting your appearance, talk to your dentist about how cosmetic dental care can help you. Patients can be delighted to learn that they are closer to a dramatically improved appearance than they realize. One way many people make corrections is with porcelain veneers. The placement process consists of two visits. Your first visit centers on preparing your teeth, and taking the needed measurements to have the veneers made. When you return for your follow-up appointment, you will have the veneers placed over your teeth permanently. (more…)

Regaining Your Smile After Significant Tooth Loss

Serious tooth loss can feel like the end of your smile as you knew it. With significant tooth loss comes difficulty eating, embarrassment about your appearance, and problems like jawbone deterioration. Your dentist can provide you with prosthetic care after major tooth loss. Depending on your needs, partial dentures or complete dentures can bring back your full smile. While many patients will receive removable dentures, you can have a permanently placed restoration when you have your dentures held by dental implants. Permanent dentures can improve your ability to bite and chew, and even put a stop to the loss of jawbone density. (more…)

Enjoying Appearance-Friendly Restorative Dental Work

Once your dentist removes decay from your tooth, they need to do something to replace the material you are losing. Unfortunately, while our enamel can regrow after minor damage, that healing does not extend to damage on the scale of a cavity. This is why restorative dental treatment involves providing support from a dental filling, or a dental crown. Thanks to the use of modern, more appearance-friendly materials, receiving a restoration does not mean compromising your smile. Dental crowns and fillings can be made to blend in with your surrounding teeth, so your appearance is left in good condition. In fact, having a porcelain dental crown placed on an unsightly tooth can actually be a cosmetic improvement. (more…)

Sticky Foods Can Lead To Dental Troubles

While a sweet, sticky treat can taste great, it can lead to trouble for your oral health. One particular problem linked to sticky foods is that when something is stuck to your teeth, it can lead to a real increase in your cavity risk. When food debris stays in place, oral bacteria can feed on what was left behind in your smile. That feeding will lead to the release of acids by those oral bacteria, which can eventually do harm significant enough to require restorative dental care. Limiting sticky items can protect your teeth. You can also protect yourself by brushing and flossing thoroughly, and drinking more water, which can help loosen and remove food debris. Professional dental cleanings are a valuable line of defense against problems because your hygienist can catch debris, and make sure it is dislodged. (more…)

Pay Attention To A Persistent Toothache

How likely are you to take action when you develop a toothache that seems to linger? While some people will take persistent tooth pain seriously, others may delay treatment. You may decide that you can simply wait out discomfort, or live with it. What you need to realize is that if your tooth pain is caused by something like tooth decay, the damage could become irreparable if you fail to act in time. Your dentist may be able to help by providing you with a root canal treatment, which will remove any infection you experience within your tooth. (more…)