Smart Habits For Cleaner And Healthier Teeth

smart-habits-for-cleaner-and-healthier-teethIf you want to avoid needing restorative dental care, pay attention to what level of stress you put your teeth through. If your teeth are more routinely exposed to harmful agents, or you deprive them of good oral care during the day, you are more likely to suffer problems that affect their health. This neglect can also have ramifications for your appearance. On the other hand, if you limit your exposure to harmful agents like sugar, and put real effort towards cleaning your teeth, you can go longer without problems. If you want to be sure your teeth are in good shape, keep up with regular dental exams, which should happen every six months. Your daily habits matter, but they do not make these checkups irrelevant. (more…)

Seeking Help For A Dental Emergency

seeking-help-for-a-dental-emergencyA dental emergency can cause quite a stir. An injury can cause alarm, and can look unsightly. You may be unsure of how to proceed, but what you should know is that your dentist can offer prompt care. Different situations can be considered an “emergency,” but what you should generally recognize is that if your problem feels urgent, you should reach out. Your dentist can arrange to see you on short notice, and confront the problem. In some cases, like when a tooth is completely knocked out, receiving treatment as soon as possible can make a major difference. (more…)

Tooth-Colored Fillings Offer Discreet Restorations

tooth-colored-fillings-offer-discreet-restorationsThe ideal cavity treatment will leave you with a tooth that can function – and look – like it did before decay began to form. You can enjoy discreet, sturdy support when your dentist uses a composite resin filling to restore your tooth. Composite resin allows your dentist to use a tooth-colored material for your restorative dental work, which minimizes the impact its presence will have on your smile. The material’s ability to bond directly with your tooth also provides the substance with functional advantages. It is important to note that not every cavity can be taken care of with a filling. When a cavity becomes too large, it will take a more advanced form of support to take care of your tooth. (more…)

Make Sure Your Next Dental Checkup Is Scheduled

make-sure-your-next-dental-checkup-is-scheduledYou should see your dentist if you have a problem that is affecting your oral health. What you should keep in mind is that you also need to see your dentist when everything seems fine. Every six months, you should go in for your regular dental exam. These appointments serve to assess your current oral health, and they provide an opportunity for your hygienist to thoroughly clean your teeth. Establishing – and sticking with – routine semiannual dental appointments can help you limit the number of dental problems you experience. They also create opportunities for your dentist to catch and treat problems early in their development. (more…)

Your Child’s Oral Health Is Important To Your Dentist

your-childs-oral-health-is-important-to-your-dentistBecause they are still growing – and still learning – your child’s dental visits can be particularly important. Your dentist can monitor their development, and watch for any problems that need to be addressed. They can also help your child appreciate why we need to care for our teeth, and make it easier for them to avoid the onset of problems like tooth decay. You should remember that your actions help your child’s understanding of the world – taking them for visits encourages them to see that the health of their teeth is important. The way you approach oral care also serves to demonstrate how much it matters to keep your smile in good shape. (more…)

Bring Back Your Full Smile With A Dental Bridge

bring-back-your-full-smile-with-a-dental-bridgeA dental bridge can permanently close the gap in your smile. Your dentist can provide a bridge, which can replace a single tooth, or several adjacent teeth, that stays in place thanks to a set of dental crowns. The crowns are placed over the teeth that neighbor where you have a missing tooth (or teeth). The prosthetic is secured between those crowns. Once it has been placed, your bridge will be held permanently, and will be stable enough for you to use when you bite and chew. The stability also provides greater comfort, and will not interfere with your ability to eat or speak. (more…)

Quiz: How A Dental Whitening Treatment Can Help Your Smile

quiz-how-a-dental-whitening-treatment-helps-your-smileWhen you elect to undergo a whitening treatment, your desire is (presumably) to enjoy a whiter, more attractive smile. With a single treatment at your dentist’s office, or a sequence of treatments you perform at home, you can recover your smile’s former glory by making it many shades brighter than before. Unfortunately, some people experience the sort of discoloration that whitening treatments are not meant to address. If you have what is known as intrinsic discoloration, another cosmetic dental treatment can help. These alternative treatments also offer the added benefits of addressing any other problems with your teeth, like congenital flaws, or damages. (more…)

Why Do Cavities Cause Tooth Pain?

allen dental benefitsIf you imagine what it is like to have a cavity, you may imagine having a sensitive tooth, or a tooth that causes frequent pain. What you should know is that a cavity does not hurt in the beginning. When tooth decay first takes hold, it will only affect your enamel. In the course of its growth, if it is given enough time to reach the root of your tooth, it can start causing you discomfort by infecting the tooth’s nerves. If you are experiencing tooth pain linked to a cavity, you should be ready for a root canal procedure. You do not have to wait until your tooth is in pain to do something about decay – if your dentist finds a small cavity forming on a tooth, you can undergo treatment, and be taken care of with a dental filling. (more…)

Ignoring Signs Of Sleep Apnea Can Be Dangerous

ignoring-signs-of-sleep-apnea-can-be-dangerousYour partner’s snoring could be enough of a distraction to make a good night’s rest hard to come by. What you might not realize is that snoring could be a sign of sleep apnea, and they could be suffering from poor rest as well – and that could be a real health risk. When you experience sleep apnea, you experience a blockage in your airways that force your body to break from its rest cycle to address the blockage. That disruption takes away your ability to fully rest, even if you do not recall waking up during the night. Sleep apnea can contribute to problems with blood pressure, and raise your risk for heart problems, and it can leave you dealing with chronic fatigue. Because it can seriously interfere with your oral health, you should seek help as soon as you suspect there is an issue. (more…)

Try Dental Bonding To Cover A Physical Dental Injury

try-dental-bonding-to-cover-a-physical-dental-injuryThe lingering presence of chips or cracks after a dental injury can be an enduring detriment to your smile. Because a tooth does not recover from damage like the rest of your body, even a relatively minor injury can have a lasting presence. Your dentist can restore how you look in one visit thanks to dental bonding. In this treatment, composite resin is used to subtly address physical flaws with a tooth, so that it can look how it did before your injury. It is worth noting that bonding is not recommended when your tooth’s function is compromised. After reviewing its condition, your dentist may prefer to have a dental crown placed, to offer protection and support for the tooth. (more…)