Include Flossing In Your Regular Oral Care

include-flossing-in-your-regular-oral-careHow active are you in your defense of your teeth from problems like cavities? Brushing your teeth is a vital action if you want to protect your smile. Unfortunately, some areas can be hard for your toothbrush to reach. To effectively address the areas between teeth, you should be sure to floss on a daily basis. This can remove food debris and plaque. Flossing can keep these areas safe, and also improve your ability to avoid gum disease. Remember that even great dental care at home benefits from the professional dental cleaning you receive during every standard visit.

Protection From Tooth Decay And Gum Disease

Tooth decay and gum disease can be common afflictions, but their prevalence certainly does not diminish their ability to hurt your oral health. When you add flossing to your daily oral care regimen, you take an important step against these conditions. When you leave areas of teeth unaddressed, you could find yourself requiring restorative dental work, despite your efforts through brushing alone.

Your Teeth Deserve Good At-Home Care, And Good Professional Care

If you really want to be sure you are keeping your teeth in great condition, be sure to see your dentist for regular dental exams. Part of your visit will involve a professional cleaning from your hygienist, who will be able to remove tartar – even the best at-home care can fail to dislodge this substance from your enamel. Your dentist can also find problems at their early stages of development, and recommend treatment. Instead of letting a cavity go undetected until it becomes serious, your dentist can point out trouble, and respond to it.