How Does A Dental Bridge Remain In Place?

When it comes to restoring dental function, and your comfort, the stability of your dental prosthetic is certainly important. You would certainly have a hard time biting and chewing with loose teeth, so there is obviously a disadvantage to settling for a less than secure restoration. A dental bridge allows you to replace a lost tooth, or several adjacent teeth. Because it is supported by a pair of dental crowns, you can count on your bridge to make it easier to feel as though you have your complete smile once again. Bridges also have an obvious cosmetic benefit, as they are made to fit in with your surrounding natural teeth. (more…)

Take Part In The 2018 Market Street Celebration June 30!

Allen loves to be “first to the Fourth.” This year, you can celebrate the holiday a little early by taking part in the 2018 Market Street Allen USA Celebration on Saturday, June 30! During the Market Street Allen USA Celebration, there will be a series of great, family-friendly activities to take part in, and plenty of food and refreshments. You can also enjoy live music, games, and other events, with the whole evening building up to a celebrated fireworks event! This city-sponsored event is made FREE to the public, so you and your family can come out to enjoy a day of fun at no cost. Planning and support for this event are provided by the City Of Allen, as well as Allen’s Parks And Recreation department.  (more…)

Protect Your Smile From Unnecessary Wear And Tear

What do you need to do to prevent wear and tear on your teeth? Some degree of wear is natural – after all, your teeth have a tough job. Biting and chewing will create friction, and your teeth have to withstand considerable pressure when you bite down. While some measure of wear and tear might be unavoidable, what you should not see is an advanced degree of wear and tear, particularly if you are younger. Patients can unknowingly engage in actions that damage their teeth. If you tend to chew on ice or pen caps while distracted, you could be doing more harm than you realize. If you suffer from bruxism, your habitual teeth grinding can also be harmful. You might not realize it, but you could be causing an excess of wear and tear by brushing your teeth with too much force. (more…)

Is Your Chipped Tooth Attracting Unwanted Attention?

A relatively small chip in a tooth can have a pronounced effect on your appearance, to the point that you feel self-conscious when you speak or smile. Is there a way to make a targeted correction to your tooth without having to go through an involved procedure? With a cosmetic tooth bonding treatment, you can find that you can fix this issue with just a single appointment! Your bonding treatment uses composite resin to cover up flaws like chips. Because this process does not require any lab-made restorations, it can be finished in less time. When it comes to any cosmetic dental work, your dentist will need to make sure there are no issues affecting the health of your tooth before proceeding. (more…)

Why Am I Having A Harder Time Avoiding Cavities Lately?

While you may have spent most of your adulthood free from dental problems, you may find yourself struggling of late to keep your smile healthy. Does it seem like you are struggling to avoid cavities, despite maintaining the same oral health habits? In some cases, patients will begin to have a more difficult time because of enamel erosion, which will occur slowly over the years. The problem could also be rooted in smaller changes you are not noticing. Problems with dry mouth, and changes in your diet, can be more significant than you expect. Your dentist can talk to you about your oral health routine during a scheduled dental exam. With professional insight into the condition of your teeth, and your habits, they can help you determine why you find yourself needing restorative dental work. (more…)

3 Things You Can Expect From Your Modern Dental Crown

You should strive to avoid any restorative dental work by taking care of your teeth at home, and attending regular dental exams. Unfortunately, even patients who generally keep up with good habits can wind up with at least one dental problem. This is not just a matter of having a cavity, you could wind up with dental damage that makes a trip for care necessary. A dental crown is often required when you need to repair a tooth. This appliance is fitted over your tooth, covering everything that is visible above your gum line. Thanks to improvements in the field of restorative dental work, you can look forward to having a crown that offers great protection, that also looks great. (more…)

Sleep Troubles Your Dentist Can Help You Address

If you experience issues that interfere with your ability to sleep, it can lead to problems that carry into your days, and hurt your quality of life. What you might not realize is that the answer to your sleep troubles may be available at your dentist’s office. One issue patients may deal with is snoring, which can be a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea. If you snore, you can feel self-conscious, and make it harder for your partner to fall asleep. If that snoring is a sign of sleep apnea, you may be suffering serious health risks because your body is being disrupted out of its sleep cycle. Your dentist can provide you with a snore guard to help correct this problem. Patients with sleep troubles related to a nighttime teeth grinding habit can also look forward to help from their dentist. (more…)

What Should I Expect From Modern Prosthetic Dental Work?

If you fail to address the problem, tooth loss can lead to serious consequences for your daily life, your confidence, and your oral health. While the loss of just a single tooth can have a serious impact on you, the loss of several teeth – or the loss of an entire row – can lead to more difficulties. You may find it harder to enjoy a full diet, and you can begin to lose bone density in your jaw when you leave tooth loss unaddressed. Your dentist can provide modern prosthodontic work to help you regain your full smile, your confidence, and your dental function. A life-like restoration, particularly a restoration that enjoys dental implant support, can have lasting value. (more…)

Enjoy The Summer Sounds Concert Series This June!

During the month of June, families with kids home from school can be eager to find a reason to leave the house and enjoy the warm weather. Thanks to Allen’s Summer Sounds Concert Series, you and your family will have several opportunities to go out and enjoy some great live music, while also taking advantage of the city’s great outdoor amphitheater! Each Monday in June, there will be a different concert held outside at the Joe Farmer Recreation Center Amphitheater. The city has arranged for a variety of different musical styles from talented artists, and ensured that each event will be FREE! Make sure you arrive early, as the first thousand attendees at these concerts will receive a complimentary meal provided by In-N-Out. (more…)

Aspects Of Dental Care That Deserve Your Attention

Keeping your teeth clean will help you prevent cavities, as well as problems with gum disease. Your everyday oral care regimen will have a big influence on your overall dental health, and regular dental cleanings also provide valuable support. With that said, you should think of dental care as being about more than just brushing, and enjoying routine dental checkups. Taking the time to floss each day, and paying attention to your diet habits, can make a key difference when it comes to sustaining a healthy smile. Individuals who do an incomplete job of fighting to keep their teeth healthy can wind up receiving unhappy news from their dentist about how they are in need of restorative dental work. (more…)