Do you snore frequently? In addition to causing issues with your significant other’s ability to rest, this could also mean poor oral and overall health for you! Which is why we offer a solution to issues like chronic snoring and sleep apnea. In today’s blog, your Allen, TX, family dentist talks about treatment with our custom snore guard.
The Causes and Risks of Untreated Snoring
When we snore, this is because our airways have been partially blocked by the collapse of soft tissues in the back of the mouth and throat. As air is forced through while we sleep, this vibrates soft tissues to create a loud sound. There is often a connection to sleep apnea, as this disorder means we stop breathing completely several times a night due to the same collapsed tissues, which leaves people exhausted and could strain their heart health and immune system, even impacting memory and concentration! Without treatment, snoring is also linked to dry mouth and a higher risk of tooth decay and gum disease, as well as type-2 diabetes. If you’re snoring on a regular basis, we hope you will see us to undergo treatment and enjoy a good night’s rest.
Creating a Custom Oral Appliance
Often, our team will offer relief with a simple oral appliance, no need for surgery or a CPAP machine. With this option, we will take detailed digital images and measurements of your bite from multiple angles, and use the information to design and craft a custom snore guard, which will look and fit much like a mouthguard.
Treatment with a Snore Guard
When your snore guard is ready, you will wear this at night. Once in place, this appliance will gently shift the jaw and tongue forward to prevent the collapse of soft tissues, so you can breathe without interruption or limited airflow. You stop breathing and gain better rest, so you feel more alert and refreshed the next day. The snore guard is easy to clean and store, and it can travel with as needed. You can also help improve your sleep by resting on your side, not your back, and keeping your bedroom dark and cool. Try to avoid screens in the hour before bed, and large meals or excessive alcohol in the two hours before bed.
If you have any questions about how we diagnose and treat issues like snoring and sleep apnea, or about our custom and comfortable snore guard, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you feel refreshed when you wake up!
Schedule An Appointment for Sleep Treatment With Our Team
We want to help you enjoy a good night’s rest and a healthier smile. To learn more, call your Allen, TX, dentist today at 469-342-6644.