Obstructive Sleep Apnea Keeping You Down?

obstructive sleep apnea allen txIf your friends and family have started to bring up their concern over your snoring, it is time to talk to a local oral health professional to see whether a common sleep disorder is to blame. Chronic obstructive sleep apnea happens when the tissue of the throat becomes a little too soft during sleep, blocking the airway. The pauses in breathing associated with this condition can last well over a minute, so over time, it can increase your risk of serious health issues and prevent you from experiencing the rest you need to be successful during the day.

With our oral health team in Allen, TX, you can fight back against obstructive sleep apnea with oral appliance therapy. This approach uses a slim, BPA-free device, commonly called a snore guard, to gently reposition the jaw in order to keep the airway free from obstruction all night long. Since this form of treatment does not require hoses or wires to be effective, it can help those who have turned away from their traditional CPAP therapy. To find out more about oral appliance therapy, give us a call today!

Is My Snoring Caused By Chronic Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

To learn the answer to this question, it is important to speak with a qualified oral health professional, who understands the science behind your sleep. There are certain risk factors that you should be aware of, however, and these play an important role in diagnosing sleep apnea. Such risk factors include gender, weight, alcohol consumption, and more.

If your family has begun to bring up your snoring, take the time to talk to a trained professional about what you are experiencing. They can help you to know whether chronic obstructive sleep apnea is to blame, or whether everyday snoring has you down. Either way, it is helpful to know for sure, and we are here to help you better understand your rest.

Oral Appliance Therapy Provides A Comfortable And Convenient Solution

When you talk to your qualified oral health professional about the quality of your rest, ask about whether oral appliance therapy is right for you. This approach uses a slim appliance to gently move the position of your jaw forward during sleep. Often, this is enough to relieve the symptoms of sleep apnea, helping people to experience a deeper, fuller night of sleep. And since it needs no electricity to be effective, you can throw away all those hoses and wires involved with traditional CPAP therapy.

Let’s Talk About Your Rest!

If you are ready to improve your sleep experience, talk to our team about how to make it happen. To find out more about obstructive sleep apnea treatment with a snore guard, call our dental team in Allen, TX, today at 469.342.6644.