Yes, Your Dentist Can Help Deal With A Snoring Problem

yes-your-dentist-can-help-you-deal-with-a-snoring-problemA tendency to snore can be embarrassing – and it can be a real nuisance for your partner. While it may not be a fun habit to admit to, there is a benefit to telling your dentist about your snoring problem. In cases where your condition is being caused by partial obstructions in your breathing passageways, your dentist can provide help for this issue. This help can be provided through a device known as a snore guard. A snore guard will be custom-fitted so that you can comfortably wear it while you sleep. Through the night, your device will hold your breathing passages open, so that you do not emit a disruptive, rumbling sound while you breathe through the night.

Why Sleep Apnea Is A Serious Concern

If you have a mild to moderate case of sleep apnea, your snore guard may be able to help. Taking care of sleep apnea is important, because the condition – when left unaddressed – can do real harm to your health. Sleep apnea is characterized by longer bouts with obstructed breathing, and requires your body to break its rest to correct the issue. This means you do not enjoy the benefits of a full night’s sleep. This can leave you experiencing fatigue regularly, and it can also affect your blood pressure, and raise your risk for more serious problems.

Sharing Information With Your Dentist During A Routine Visit

Talking to your dentist during a routine dental exam matters. When you mention a problem that might connect to your oral health, your dentist can offer support. For instance, if you have noticed that you are starting to regularly wake up with pain in your teeth and jaw, you could be dealing with bruxism, which your dentist can address.