3 Reasons You Might Choose To Undergo Cosmetic Dental Work

3-reasons-you-might-choose-to-undergo-cosmetic-dental-workCosmetic dental work is elective – you might need of a restorative dental treatment, but you choose when and if you would like to have work done that improves your smile. So what motivates people to undergo cosmetic work? The short answer is simply that they want to address flaws that make their teeth less attractive. Because a person’s teeth are such a prominent part of their appearance, this can serve to make a big impact on how someone looks. There are techniques for treating discolored teeth, as well as work that can effectively cover up misshapen and damaged teeth. (more…)

Different Material Types Used To Make A Dental Crown

different-material-types-used-to-make-a-dental-crownA dental crown can offer the required protection needed for a vulnerable tooth. Dental crowns are used for teeth after serious cavities have been addressed, including – but not limited to – teeth that have had to undergo root canal treatments. However, some patients will wind up with a dental crown to protect an injured tooth, or a tooth that has suffered serious wear and tear over the years. There is no one material type used to create a dental crown. Porcelain and zirconia are often selected to create crowns for teeth that are more visible. If the tooth in question is one of your back teeth, it can face more stress, and be less visible, a metal crown can be preferable. (more…)

Include Flossing In Your Regular Oral Care

include-flossing-in-your-regular-oral-careHow active are you in your defense of your teeth from problems like cavities? Brushing your teeth is a vital action if you want to protect your smile. Unfortunately, some areas can be hard for your toothbrush to reach. To effectively address the areas between teeth, you should be sure to floss on a daily basis. This can remove food debris and plaque. Flossing can keep these areas safe, and also improve your ability to avoid gum disease. Remember that even great dental care at home benefits from the professional dental cleaning you receive during every standard visit. (more…)

Internal Tooth Problems Need To Be Addressed

internal-tooth-problems-need-to-be-addressedHow can you develop a problem that affects the interior of your tooth? You can experience this issue thanks to an advanced cavity, but it can also happen after a physical injury. This type of issue, which can be referred to as an endodontic problem, poses a real threat to your oral health. The area within your tooth houses living tissue. Internal damage could lead to the tooth being irreversibly damaged, which could cause you to lose it. If your problems stem from tooth decay, bacteria can actually progress further, by passing through the tooth’s root canal and spreading to your jaw. When you see your dentist with this issue, they can respond by performing a root canal treatment. (more…)

Finding A Solution For Chronic Jaw Pain

finding-a-solution-for-chronic-jaw-painChronic jaw pain can affect your overall quality of life. If you already experience TMJ discomfort, you can be familiar with the symptoms. You can find it difficult to operate your jaw, and experience regular discomfort at the joints. You can also suffer related problems with your face and neck, and suffer through chronic headaches. Your dentist can work with you to alleviate problems that affect your jaw joints. Through support and care from your dentist, you can put a stop to the symptoms that are affecting you. (more…)

Considering Porcelain Veneers? What You Should Know

considering-porcelain-veneers-what-you-should-knowWhy do patients choose to have porcelain veneers on their teeth? What will you gain if you undergo this cosmetic dental treatment? One significant benefit of having veneers placed is that you can address a range of flaws. After they are placed, you can show off a smile that is whiter, and free from structural flaws, including wear and tear, that can disrupt your appearance. Your veneers are a permanent addition to your teeth, which means you will enjoy lasting results. However, this also means you will need to pay attention to their condition, so that you continue to enjoy their esthetic benefits. (more…)

The Cosmetic Impact Of A Dental Restoration

the-cosmetic-impact-of-a-dental-restorationNews that you need treatment for a cavity could leave you in a state of concern. What will your dentist need to do to fix your tooth? How will you look after you go through your restorative dental treatment? Your dentist’s first priority is to make sure your tooth is completely protected against decay, and fully supported after treatment. That being said, your dentist can use material that closely matches the look of your teeth when creating a restoration. After treatment, you can enjoy a smile that still looks natural. In cases where a tooth’s appearance was negatively affected by a problem, your restorative work can have an overall positive effect on how you look. (more…)

Quiz: Recognizing Daily Oral Health Risks

quiz-recognizing-daily-oral-health-risksHow likely are you to experience a cavity in the near future? You may be certain that your teeth are fine, but without regular dental exams, it can be difficult to know how safe you are from tooth decay. If you want to keep your smile in the best possible shape, be mindful of your everyday habits. You can adjust your diet to lower your risk, and you can protect your teeth by keeping up with good brushing and flossing habits. It is worth noting that you may not be aware of certain actions that are harming your teeth. Bruxism sufferers can grind their teeth while they sleep, and unconsciously do real dental harm. (more…)

Enjoy The Smile You Want With Dental Bonding

enjoy-the-smile-you-want-with-dental-bondingYou may be closer to your ideal smile than you currently realize. If your appearance is hindered by a flawed tooth, a cosmetic dental treatment can effectively address your issues in a short time. In fact, a dental bonding treatment can cover up an unsightly tooth in a single visit. Your dentist can examine your problem, and determine how to best correct something like physical damage, improper size or structure, and discoloration. Using composite resin, they can make the tooth appear flawless, but natural enough to fit with your smile. (more…)

Using Partial Dentures To Recover Your Smile

using-partial-dentures-to-recover-your-smileYou may feel overwhelmed by the task of addressing tooth loss if you have lost multiple teeth. This can seem like an especially tricky task if your losses are not adjacent. What you should know if that your dentist can provide prosthetic support for your smile through the creation of a partial denture. Unlike full dentures, partial dentures are designed to treat specific areas on your upper or lower row of teeth. Your prosthetic can be designed to comfortably fit your needs, while replacing any teeth you have lost. If you have questions about how this can be done, talk to your dentist. After studying your condition, they can advise you on how to move forward. If they see a viable alternative approach to restoring your smile, they can discuss your options with you. (more…)