Quiz: Recognizing The Threat Of TMJ Dysfunction And Bruxism

TMJ dysfunction (also known as TMD) and bruxism are more than just minor threats to your well-being. TMD can lead to intrusive pain in your face and neck, and lead to chronic headaches. It can also create limitations to your jaw function that make eating and speaking uncomfortable. When you deal with bruxism in the form of a nighttime teeth grinding habit, you can wake up with dental pain, and you face a risk for serious tooth damage. In both of these cases, your dentist can provide valuable relief, and prevent serious oral health issues from developing. The right oral appliance can gently realign your jaw, and you can receive a special mouth guard that stops you from grinding your teeth while you sleep.


True Or False: If you wake up in the morning with dental or facial soreness and sensitivity, you might be grinding your teeth while you sleep at night.

True Or False: TMJ dysfunction, or TMD, may be the cause of chronic headaches.

True Or False: If you grind your teeth too much, you might cause minor dental damage, but you will not be able to do serious harm.


True! Waking up with pain or sensitivity in your face, jaw, and teeth can be a sign that you are clenching your jaw while you sleep. This pressure on your teeth can be painful, and lead to potentially significant damage.

True! People who experience chronic headaches are sometimes experiencing this problem because of poor jaw alignment, which can create recurring pains.

False! Teeth grinding can lead to damage that requires restorative dental care. In some circumstances, the damage may be serious enough to cause tooth loss!

Seek Treatment For TMJ Dysfunction And Bruxism At Allen Family Dental

At Allen Family Dental, you can receive valuable relief from problems like bruxism and TMJ dysfunction. Our practice is dedicated to helping people keep their smiles in great shape. If you are experiencing any worrying oral health issues, and wish to schedule an appointment with Dr. Torrens-Parker or Dr. Lizardi, call Allen Family Dental in Allen, TX, today at (469) 342-6644. Located in Allen, we also proudly welcome patients who come to us from Frisco, Plano, McKinney, Fairview, and all surrounding areas.