It is hard to ignore symptoms that can develop when you begin to grind your teeth while you sleep. People who experience this as a habit are dealing with a condition known as bruxism. Bruxism sufferers will put significant force on their teeth and jaw joints through the night. Over time, this can lead to problems like TMJ dysfunction, and damage to teeth. There is no single root cause for bruxism. It could be a consequence of stress, or it could develop because of existing TMJ dysfunction. While the cause may not be immediately identifiable, there is a solution your dentist can provide. A special mouth guard provided by your dentist will keep your teeth safe while you sleep.
Putting A Stop To Bruxism
Putting a stop to bruxism is important, as the condition can leave you with serious discomfort, and real dental damage. To combat the problem, your dentist can have a custom-fitted mouth guard made for you. The guard will be worn during the night, and will keep you from grinding your upper and lower rows of teeth against each other.
Your Dentist Can Help You Fully Recover From Dental Issues
If you have come in for treatment for bruxism and TMJ dysfunction, you may have related issues with dental damage. It is possible for a person who grinds their teeth to crack or chip a tooth so badly that restorative dental work is needed. Even if your damage is more minor, you may feel self-conscious about the wear and tear your teeth have experienced. For these slighter damages, cosmetic dental work can help.
Come See Allen Family Dental If You Need Help Dealing With Bruxism
Bruxism is a potentially serious problem. Without treatment, you could end up doing real harm to your teeth. Allen Family Dental can work with you to address bruxism, and TMJ dysfunction. If you have related damages you wish to address, they can observe the condition of your teeth, and recommend a treatment plan. If you are concerned about bruxism and/or TMJ problems, and wish to schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Torrens-Parker or Dr. Lizardi, call Allen Family Dental in Allen, TX, today at (469) 342-6644. Located in Allen, we also welcome patients from Frisco, Plano, McKinney, Fairview, and all surrounding communities. You can also request an appointment by using our online patient form.