Many people think of dentures as something needed by older adults. Should you be worried about the prospect of tooth loss in later years? If you want to keep your smile intact, it can help to recognize the major threats you face. The leading cause of tooth loss for adults is problems associated with gum disease. Gum disease in its advanced form cannot be cured, but it can be contained. Of course, if you recognize signs of periodontal health trouble, you can take action and stop the issue before it grows serious. Make sure you keep up with good care at home, and take advantage of regular dental cleanings, which can protect you from bacteria that can cause gum disease.
Good Preventive Care Can Have Lasting Benefits
When you keep on top of your oral health needs with good preventive care, you can control your risks for problems like gum disease and tooth decay. Good preventive care is certainly concerned with – though not exclusive to – proper care at home. You should be brushing at least two times a day, and flossing daily. Care at home can also mean limiting your intake of foods and drinks that are higher in sugar, or are more acidic. Of course, seeing your dentist for professional treatment is also a big component to sustaining a healthy smile.
Worried About Your Smile’s Future? Keep Up With Routine Checkups Today
Routine checkups with your dentist offer the kind of advanced care you will not be capable of replicating at home. In addition to the advanced cleaning, you have a careful inspection for any problems. This means something like early tooth decay can be found, and you can receive a restorative dental treatment, before the problem grows worse.
Want To Avoid Tooth Loss In Later Years? Allen Family Dental Can Help!
Better preventive dental care today can help reduce your risk for problems tomorrow, and Allen Family Dental can help. At each routine checkup, you can count on an impressive caliber of training and skill from our team. To learn more about the services we offer to patients of all ages, or to schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Torrens-Parker or Dr. Lizardi, call Allen Family Dental in Allen, TX, today at (469) 342-6644, or check out our online patient forms. Located in Allen, we also welcome those residing in Frisco, Plano, McKinney, Fairview, and all surrounding communities.