3 Reasons You Might Choose To Undergo Cosmetic Dental Work

3-reasons-you-might-choose-to-undergo-cosmetic-dental-workCosmetic dental work is elective – you might need of a restorative dental treatment, but you choose when and if you would like to have work done that improves your smile. So what motivates people to undergo cosmetic work? The short answer is simply that they want to address flaws that make their teeth less attractive. Because a person’s teeth are such a prominent part of their appearance, this can serve to make a big impact on how someone looks. There are techniques for treating discolored teeth, as well as work that can effectively cover up misshapen and damaged teeth.

1. You Want Better Whitening Results Than Store-Bought Products Can Offer

Store-bought whiteners can be picked up and used to treat enamel stains, but you may be underwhelmed by how you look once you complete the treatment. A professional whitening treatment uses prescription bleaching agents to attack stains that have gone under the surface of your enamel. If you have stains that stem from intrinsic problems, a different cosmetic treatment will be able to help.

2. You Have A Problem Tooth That Is disrupting Your Smile

Sometimes a smile is hurt by one bad tooth’s unsightly appearance. To tackle this problem, you can have work done that targets a damaged or otherwise flawed tooth. During a dental bonding procedure, your dentist addresses problems by permanently applying composite resin to the surface of the tooth.

3. Wear And Tear Over Time Has Affected Your Smile

If you have seen a general loss of quality in your smile, you can talk to your dentist about porcelain veneers. Veneers cover damaged and discolored teeth, and leave you flashing a winning smile.