Why Do Cavities Cause Tooth Pain?

allen dental benefitsIf you imagine what it is like to have a cavity, you may imagine having a sensitive tooth, or a tooth that causes frequent pain. What you should know is that a cavity does not hurt in the beginning. When tooth decay first takes hold, it will only affect your enamel. In the course of its growth, if it is given enough time to reach the root of your tooth, it can start causing you discomfort by infecting the tooth’s nerves. If you are experiencing tooth pain linked to a cavity, you should be ready for a root canal procedure. You do not have to wait until your tooth is in pain to do something about decay – if your dentist finds a small cavity forming on a tooth, you can undergo treatment, and be taken care of with a dental filling.

Using A Root Canal Treatment To Stop Advanced Tooth Decay

During a root canal treatment, your dentist will have to access your pulp, to address the infected living tissue. This is necessary to stopping an infection – without this treatment, you could lose your tooth, and your oral health problems can worsen. Once it is completed, your tooth will be restored with a dental crown.

Stopping A Cavity Before It Starts To Cause Tooth Pain

Thanks to routine dental exams, you can see a cavity stopped before it is allowed to cause the sort of issues that call for a root canal. If your dentist finds decay, they can remove it from your tooth, and you can have a dental filling take up what was lost. This leaves you with more of your tooth intact, and allows you to bypass the dental discomfort a more severe cavity can cause.