What Your Diet Can Do To Your Cavity Risk

what your diet can do to your cavity riskYou can take several actions to control your cavity risk. You can make sure to have your teeth professionally cleaned by your hygienist during regular visits. You can be sure to brush and floss regularly on your own. What you might not realize is that you can make it easier to avoid cavities by being conscientious about what you include in your diet. Certain products can be higher in sugar, making them cavity risks. You should also be cautious about acidic items, as they may soften your enamel. A healthy, balanced diet that limits sugar can help you keep your teeth in their best state.

The Problem With Sticky, Sugary Treats

Sticky, sugary treats may taste great, but the effect they have on your teeth can be less desirable, as sugar can encourage tooth decay. Sticky products can be difficult because they are harder to remove when you clean your teeth. When they stay attached to your teeth for longer, bacteria have more time to feed.

What You Drink Can Also Affect Your Oral Health

Your drink choices can influence what risks you face for tooth decay – for good and ill. If you frequently enjoy soft drinks, you should keep in mind that you could evade exposing your teeth to sugar by reducing or eliminating your consumption of them. However, if you stay hydrated by regularly drinking water, you can protect your teeth. Water with fluoride can even help your teeth resist cavity-causing damage.

The Importance Of Controlling Your Cavity Risk

When you continue to develop cavities, you continue to allow harm to come to your teeth. Making changes to your diet can help you avoid this. If you need additional help, your dentist can provide sealants for your teeth.