Quiz: Recognizing Daily Oral Health Risks

quiz-recognizing-daily-oral-health-risksHow likely are you to experience a cavity in the near future? You may be certain that your teeth are fine, but without regular dental exams, it can be difficult to know how safe you are from tooth decay. If you want to keep your smile in the best possible shape, be mindful of your everyday habits. You can adjust your diet to lower your risk, and you can protect your teeth by keeping up with good brushing and flossing habits. It is worth noting that you may not be aware of certain actions that are harming your teeth. Bruxism sufferers can grind their teeth while they sleep, and unconsciously do real dental harm.


True Or False: A person who suffers from bruxism will habitually grind their teeth, but they will not do so with enough force to hurt their teeth.

True Or False: Diet soft drinks are free of sugar, but their acidity can still lead to dental troubles.

True Or False: If you keep up with your semiannual dental exams, you should not feel like you have to brush your teeth more than once a day.


False! When you grind your teeth, you put yourself at risk for real dental problems. You can crack or chip a tooth when you clench your jaw; the damage you suffer could make a dental crown necessary.

True! Acidic products make your teeth weaker by causing your enamel to soften. When this takes place, you can be more vulnerable to the kind of attacks that lead to cavities.

False! While your regular dental exams matter, your actions between visits are still important. Be sure to brush at least twice a day, and take time to fully clean your teeth during each session.