We Can Handle Your Dental Emergency

allen dental emergencyA dental emergency refers to any injuries that damaged teeth, or issues that cause discomfort. Without treatment, even a minor chip or crack could lead to tooth decay and infection. To avoid complications, your Allen, TX, dentist could offer emergency dental care, including lifelike dental restorations.

Common Emergency Scenarios

When you sustain an injury to the mouth, even if no damage is apparent, we suggest an exam, as cracked teeth could be nearly invisible to the naked eye. Other emergency situations include chipped or broken teeth. Any damage could expose inner tissues to harmful oral bacteria, leading to the onset of cavities and even infections. Prolonged discomfort is a cause for immediate attention, as is a loose or missing crown or filling. You should also let us know if a tooth is knocked loose or out completely! Even when these issues occur outside of normal business hours, give us a call and we can arrange a time to see you and address your concerns.

Easing Your Initial Discomfort

In the time between the injury and when you see us, you can take a few simple steps to alleviate discomfort and prevent further complications. For example, in the event of an injured tooth try to recover any pieces you can and bring them with you. If this isn’t possible, don’t worry, we can still repair the tooth. Whether you have an injury, unexplained pain, or an object caught between your teeth, you should rinse with warm water and take an over-the-counter pain reliever. A bit of cloth or gauze can control bleeding, and you can reduce facial swelling with an ice pack or cold compress against the cheek.

If a tooth is knocked out completely, pick it up by the crown only, don’t touch the root. Gently rinse away dirt (but not tissues) and place it in a glass of milk or salt water. You could also reinsert it into the socket and gently bite down to keep it in place. If you have a loose or missing crown or filling, avoid very hot or cold foods and drinks, and be sure you avoid sugary items too, as the exposed tooth will be very sensitive.

Taking Steps to Protect Your Smile

You can take actions to help prevent injuries, including wearing a mouthguard when playing full contact sports or martial arts. Good oral health actions, like brushing and flossing, can help prevent decay that could weaken the structure and leave it susceptible to injury.

Talk to Your Allen, TX Dentist About Dental Emergencies

We would like to repair teeth and offer stunning results when possible. If you want to know more about repairing smiles and protecting them from injury, or if you are ready to book an appointment, contact your Allen, TX, dentist, Dr. Torrens-Parker, by calling 469-342-6644.