A Complete Smile With All-On-4®

all-on-4 implant denturesWhen you lose most of your teeth, then you may need a denture to address the issue and restore function and beauty. We’ve talked about implant dentures, but what if you’ve lost mass and density in your jawbone tissue? If so, then your Allen, TX, dentist may suggest All-On-4®! In today’s blog, we’re going to discuss this option and how it helps those who may not otherwise qualify for implant dentistry.

The Dangers of Your Missing Teeth

Losing a large number of your teeth, or all of them, limits what foods you can eat and could mean relying on a diet of only soft items. Over time, this deprives you of essential nutrients, as well as your favorite foods. The lack of tooth roots also means the jawbone begins to lose mass and density over time, causing an aged appearance. Not to mention the impact on your ability to speak as well!

Do You Qualify for Implant Dentistry?

Dental implants are unique in that we actually insert a biocompatible titanium post into the jawbone. The post then bonds with the bone tissue and acts like a new root. This prevents further loss of jawbone mass and density and preserves your smile. Your prosthetic could then last decades too, instead of requiring replacement every five years on average. However, if you have already lost mass and density, then there may not be enough to support the multiple dental implants necessary to provide a fixed full or partial denture. However, with All-On-4®, we could still help!

The All-On-4® Difference

Instead of needing between six and eight implant posts per arch, we can support a full set of dentures with only four posts per arch. We use digital technology to plan and guide them in place, ensuring they can support a new smile and last for decades to come. They then begin stimulating the growth of jawbone tissue to protect your smile from an aged appearance, and to also ensure your new prosthetic last for many years to come. If you have lost one or more of your teeth, or if you require a denture, then talk to us about possible treatment options. Remember, by scheduling a visit soon, you can also use your 2020 dental insurance benefits before they expire! If you have any questions about how we replace missing teeth, or about your dental insurance benefits, then please contact our team today to learn more.

We’re Ready to Treat Your Lost Teeth

We want to help you enjoy a full smile again, seven if you’ve lost jawbone mass and density over the years. To learn more about implant dentistry and other solution for minor or severe tooth loss, then contact Allen Family Dental in Allen, TX today by calling 469-342-6644.